Ken (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. knowledge, understanding, or cognizance; mental perception: an idea beyond one's ken.
  2. range of sight or vision.
verb (used with object), kenned or kent, ken·ning.
  1. Chiefly Scot.
    • to know, have knowledge of or about, or be acquainted with (a person or thing).
    • to understand or perceive (an idea or situation).
  2. to acknowledge as heir; recognize by a judicial act.
  3. to see; descry; recognize.
  4. British Dialect, Archaic.
    • to declare, acknowledge, or confess (something).
    • to teach, direct, or guide (someone).
verb (used without object), kenned or kent, ken·ning.
  1. British Dialect.
    • to have knowledge of something.
    • to understand.
  1. a male given name, form of Kendall or Kenneth.
  1. Kentucky.
  1. range of knowledge or perception (esp in the phrases beyond or in one's ken)
verb kens, kenning, kenned or kent (kɛnt)
  1. to know
  2. to understand; perceive
  3. to see
abbreviation for
  1. Kentucky
Ken (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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