Kernel (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the softer, usually edible part contained in the shell of a nut or the stone of a fruit.
  2. the body of a seed within its husk or integuments.
  3. a whole seed grain, as of wheat or corn.
  4. the pit or seed of a peach, cherry, plum, etc.
  5. the central or most important part of anything; essence; gist; core: His leadership is the kernel of the organization.
  6. the set of elements that a given function from one set to a second set maps into the identity of the second set.
  7. the remainder of an atom after the valence electrons have been removed.
verb (used with object), ker·neled, ker·nel·ing or (especially British) ker·nelled, ker·nel·ling.
  1. to enclose as a kernel.
  1. the edible central part of a seed, nut, or fruit within the shell or stone
  2. the grain of a cereal, esp wheat, consisting of the seed in a hard husk
  3. the central or essential part of something
verb -nels, -nelling or -nelled or US -nels, -neling or -neled
  1. to form kernels
    Kernel (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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