Leather (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the skin of an animal, with the hair removed, prepared for use by tanning or a similar process designed to preserve it against decay and make it pliable or supple when dry.
  2. an article made of this material.
  3. stirrup leather.
  1. pertaining to, made of, or resembling leather: leather processing; leather upholstery.
  2. catering to or patronized by customers who typically wear leather clothing, often as a means of signaling interest in or preference for sadomasochistic sexual activity.
verb (used with object)
  1. to cover or furnish with leather.
  2. to beat with a leather strap.
    • a material consisting of the skin of an animal made smooth and flexible by tanning, removing the hair, etc
    • (as modifier)
  1. leather clothes, esp as worn by motorcyclists
  2. the flap of a dog's ear
verb (tr)
  1. to cover with leather
  2. to whip with or as if with a leather strap
Leather (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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