Legend (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical.
  2. the body of stories of this kind, especially as they relate to a particular people, group, or clan: the winning of the West in American legend.
  3. an inscription, especially on a coat of arms, on a monument, under a picture, or the like.
  4. a table on a map, chart, or the like, listing and explaining the symbols used.
  5. inscription (def. 8).
  6. a collection of stories about an admirable person.
  7. a person who is the center of such stories: She became a legend in her own lifetime.
  8. a story of the life of a saint, especially one stressing the miraculous or unrecorded deeds of the saint.
  9. a collection of such stories or stories like them.
  1. a popular story handed down from earlier times whose truth has not been ascertained
  2. a group of such stories
  3. a modern story that has taken on the characteristics of a traditional legendary tale
  4. a person whose fame or notoriety makes him a source of exaggerated or romanticized tales or exploits
  5. an inscription or title, as on a coin or beneath a coat of arms
  6. explanatory matter accompanying a table, map, chart, etc
    • a story of the life of a saint
    • a collection of such stories
Legend (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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