Libel (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. Law.
    • defamation by written, printed, or broadcast words or pictures: Intentionally or knowingly posting content that constitutes libel is prohibited.
    • the act or crime of publishing or broadcasting a defamatory statement:The author was convicted of libel and sentenced to a yearlong jail term.
    • a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
  2. anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents: He blames me for his getting kicked out of school, so he spread this libel against me in revenge.
verb (used with object), li·beled, li·bel·ing or (especially British) li·belled, li·bel·ling.
  1. to publish or broadcast a libel against: The journalist received a suspended three-year prison sentence for allegedly libeling the president in an online article.
  2. to misrepresent damagingly: So it's just fine to smear and libel the writer, but it's not okay to call someone out for doing so?
  3. to institute suit against by a libel, as in an admiralty court.
  1. law
    • the publication of defamatory matter in permanent form, as by a written or printed statement, picture, etc
    • the act of publishing such matter
  2. any defamatory or unflattering representation or statement
  3. a claimant's written statement of claim
  4. the formal statement of a charge
verb -bels, -belling or -belled or US -bels, -beling or -beled (tr)
  1. to make or publish a defamatory statement or representation about (a person)
  2. to misrepresent injuriously
  3. to bring an action against (a person) in the ecclesiastical courts
Libel (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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