Liquid (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. composed of molecules that move freely among themselves but do not tend to separate like those of gases; neither gaseous nor solid.
  2. of, relating to, or consisting of liquids: a liquid diet.
  3. flowing like water.
  4. clear, transparent, or bright: liquid eyes.
  5. (of sounds, tones, etc.) smooth; agreeable; flowing freely: the liquid voice of a trained orator.
  6. in cash or readily convertible into cash without significant loss of principal: liquid assets.
  7. characterizing a frictionless speech sound pronounced with only a partial obstruction of the breath stream and whose utterance can be prolonged as that of a vowel, especially l and r.
  8. (of movements, gestures, etc.) graceful; smooth; free and unconstricted: the ballerina's liquid arabesques.
  1. a liquid substance.
  2. either r or l, and sometimes m, n, ng.
  1. a substance in a physical state in which it does not resist change of shape but does resist change of size
  2. a substance that is a liquid at room temperature and atmospheric pressure
  3. a frictionless continuant, esp (l) or (r)
  1. of, concerned with, or being a liquid or having the characteristic state of liquids
  2. shining, transparent, or brilliant
  3. flowing, fluent, or smooth
  4. (of assets) in the form of money or easily convertible into money
    Liquid (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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