Lithic (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. pertaining to or consisting of stone.
  2. pertaining to clastic rocks, either sedimentary or volcanic, containing a large proportion of debris from previously formed rocks: a lithic sandstone; lithic tuff.
  3. pertaining to stony concretions, or calculi, formed within the body, especially in the bladder.
  4. of, relating to, or containing lithium.
  1. a stone artifact.
  1. a combining form used in the names of cultural phases in archaeology characterized by the use of stone tools: Chalcolithic; Neolithic.
  2. a combining form meaning “of or relating to stone,” used to form adjectives: megalithic; monolithic.
  1. of, relating to, or composed of stone
  2. containing abundant fragments of previously formed rock
  3. of or relating to a calculus or calculi, esp one in the urinary bladder
  4. of or containing lithium
adj combining form
  1. (in anthropology) relating to the use of stone implements in a specified cultural period
Lithic (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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