Lockup (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a jail, especially a local one for temporary detention.
  2. the act of locking up or the state of being locked up.
  3. a temporary imprisonment or detention, as of suspects or prisoners.
  4. a stock that has been held by an individual as a long-term investment, or that a brokerage firm is required by a regulation to hold for a certain period of time before it can be sold.
  5. any investment or credit instrument, as a renewed loan, in which capital is tied up for a long time.
  6. Printing.
    • the entire body of type and cuts locked up in a chase preparatory to printing or platemaking.
    • the act or procedure of locking up type and cuts in a chase.
  7. a sudden stopping of the rotation of a wheel.
  8. a rented locker, storage space, or garage.
verb (adverb)
  1. to imprison or confine
  2. to lock or secure the doors, windows, etc, of (a building)
  3. to keep or store securely
  4. to invest (funds) so that conversion into cash is difficult
  5. to secure (type, etc) in a chase or in the bed of the printing machine by tightening the quoins
noun lockup
  1. the action or time of locking up
  2. a jail or block of cells
  3. a small shop with no attached quarters for the owner or shopkeeper
  4. a garage or storage place separate from the main premises
  5. an investment that is intended to be held for a relatively long period
  6. the pages of type held in a chase by the positioning of quoins
  1. (of premises) without living accommodation
Lockup (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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