Mastication (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the act or process of chewing: Limited ability to open the mouth may make proper mastication of food more difficult.
  2. the act or process of grinding, shredding, crushing, or kneading to a pulp: In the office he could hear the soft chatter of people on their phones, the steely mastication of a paper shredder, the thwack of a coffee mug being set down.A machine with two horizontal rolls revolving in opposite directions is used for the mastication of rubber.
  3. the act or process of grinding up small trees and brush in a forest in order to thin it out or reduce the fuel available to forest fires: The remains of mastication and chipping are left on the forest floor, forming a mulch to protect the soil from compaction and erosion.
Mastication (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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