- an assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion, often being part of a large machine; linkage.
- the agency or means by which an effect is produced or a purpose is accomplished.
- machinery or mechanical appliances in general.
- the structure or arrangement of parts of a machine or similar device, or of anything analogous.
- the mechanical part of something; any mechanical device: the mechanism of a clock.
- routine methods or procedures; mechanics: the mechanism of government.
- mechanical execution, as in painting or music; technique.
- the theory that everything in the universe is produced by matter in motion; materialism.
- Philosophy.
- the view that all natural processes are explicable in terms of classical mechanics.
- the view that all biological processes may be described in physicochemical terms.
- the habitual operation and interaction of psychological forces within an individual that assist in interpreting or dealing with the physical or psychological environment.
- a system or structure of moving parts that performs some function, esp in a machine
- something resembling a machine in the arrangement and working of its parts
- any form of mechanical device or any part of such a device
- a process or technique, esp of execution
- philosophy
- the doctrine that human action can be explained in purely physical terms, whether mechanical or biological
- the explanation of phenomena in causal rather than teleological or essentialist terms
- the view that the task of science is to seek such explanations
- strict determinism
- psychoanal
- the ways in which psychological forces interact and operate
- a structure having an influence on the behaviour of a person, such as a defence mechanism