Media (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a plural of medium.
  2. the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, magazines, and the internet, that reach or influence people widely: The media are covering the speech tonight.
  1. pertaining to or concerned with such means:a job in media research.
noun, plural me·di·ae [mee-dee-ee]. /ˈmi diˌi/.
  1. a voiced plosive, as β, δ, γ.
  2. the middle layer of an artery or lymphatic vessel.
  3. a longitudinal vein in the middle portion of the wing of an insect.
  1. an ancient country in W Asia, S of the Caspian Sea, corresponding generally to NW Iran. Capital: Ecbatana.
  1. a plural of medium
  2. the means of communication that reach large numbers of people, such as television, newspapers, and radio
  1. of or relating to the mass media
noun plural -diae (-dɪˌiː)
  1. the middle layer of the wall of a blood or lymph vessel
  2. one of the main veins in the wing of an insect
  3. phonetics
    • a consonant whose articulation lies midway between that of a voiced and breathed speech sound
    • a consonant pronounced with weak voice, as c in French second
  1. an ancient country of SW Asia, south of the Caspian Sea: inhabited by the Medes; overthrew the Assyrian Empire in 612 bc in alliance with Babylonia; conquered by Cyrus the Great in 550 bc; corresponds to present-day NW Iran
Media (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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