Meniscus (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural me·nis·ci [mi-nis-ahy, -nis-kahy, -kee], /mɪˈnɪs aɪ, -ˈnɪs kaɪ, -ki/, me·nis·cus·es.
  1. a crescent or a crescent-shaped body.
  2. the convex or concave upper surface of a column of liquid, the curvature of which is caused by surface tension.
  3. a lens with a crescent-shaped section; a concavo-convex or convexo-concave lens.
  4. a disk of cartilage between the articulating ends of the bones in a joint.
noun plural -nisci (-ˈnɪsaɪ) or -niscuses
  1. the curved upper surface of a liquid standing in a tube, produced by the surface tension
  2. a crescent or half-moon-shaped body or design
  3. a crescent-shaped fibrous cartilage between the bones at certain joints, esp at the knee
  4. a crescent-shaped lens; a concavo-convex or convexo-concave lens
Plural menisci (mə-nĭsī, -kī, -kē) meniscuses
    Meniscus (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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