Mensa (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural men·sas, men·sae [men-see] /ˈmɛn si/ for 1.
  1. the flat stone forming the top of the altar in a Roman Catholic church.
  2. the Table, a southern constellation near Octans.
  1. an international fellowship organization for people with IQ's in the top 2 percent of the general population.
noun Latin genitive Mensae (ˈmɛnsiː)
  1. a faint constellation in the S hemisphere lying between Hydrus and Volans and containing part of the Large Magellanic Cloud
  1. an international society, membership of which is restricted to people whose intelligence test scores exceed those expected of 98 per cent of the population
Mensa (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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