Metallic (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. of, relating to, or consisting of metal.
  2. of the nature of or suggesting metal, as in luster, resonance, or hardness: metallic green; a harsh metallic sound.
  3. Chemistry.
    • (of a metal element) being in the free or uncombined state: metallic iron.
    • containing or yielding metal.
  1. Textiles.
    • a yarn or fiber made partly or entirely of metal and having a metallic appearance.
    • a fabric made of such a yarn or fiber.
  1. of, concerned with, or consisting of metal or a metal
  2. suggestive of a metal
  3. (of a metal element) existing in the free state rather than in combination
    Metallic (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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