Microcosm (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a little world; a world in miniature (opposed to macrocosm): The human body is a microcosm.
  2. anything regarded as a representative, miniature version of a larger complex reality: The fictional small town of Black Rock, California, serves as a microcosm of America in the postwar era.
  3. a controlled experimental environment or ecosystem small enough to be housed in a laboratory and reproducing conditions that occur on a larger scale in the outdoors: Researchers have investigated the survival of this bacteria in saline solutions and seawater in laboratory microcosms.
  4. human beings, humanity, society, or the like, viewed as an epitome or miniature of the world or universe: In the human microcosm, intellect is the deep spiritual center of being.
  1. a miniature representation of something, esp a unit, group, or place regarded as a copy of a larger one
  2. man regarded as epitomizing the universe
Microcosm (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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