Minimalist (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person who favors a moderate approach to the achievement of a set of goals or who holds minimal expectations for the success of a program.
  2. a practitioner of minimalism in music or art.
  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of minimalism.
  2. being or offering no more than what is required or essential: a minimalist program for tax reform.
  1. a person advocating a minimal policy, style, technique, action, etc
  2. a minimal artist
  1. of or relating to minimal art or artists
noun (in early 20th-century Russia)
  1. a member of the faction of the Social Revolutionaries that advocated immediate postrevolutionary democracy
  2. a less common name for a Menshevik
Minimalist (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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