Modify (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), mod·i·fied, mod·i·fy·ing.
  1. to change somewhat the form or qualities of; alter partially; amend: to modify a contract.
  2. (of a word, phrase, or clause) to stand in a syntactically subordinate relation to (another word, phrase, or clause), usually with descriptive, limiting, or particularizing meaning; be a modifier. In a good man, good modifies man.
  3. to be the modifier or attribute of.
  4. to change (a vowel) by umlaut.
  5. to reduce or lessen in degree or extent; moderate; soften: to modify one's demands.
verb (used without object), mod·i·fied, mod·i·fy·ing.
  1. to be or become modified.
verb -fies, -fying or -fied (mainly tr)
  1. to change the structure, character, intent, etc, of
  2. to make less extreme or uncompromising
  3. (of a word or group of words) to bear the relation of modifier to (another word or group of words)
  4. to change (a vowel) by umlaut
  5. to be or become modified
Modify (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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