Mulberry (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural mul·ber·ries.
  1. the edible, berrylike collective fruit of any tree of the genus Morus.
  2. a tree of this genus, as M. rubra(red mulberry, or American mulberry ) bearing dark-purple fruit, M. nigra(black mulberry ) bearing dark-colored fruit, or M. alba(white mulberry ) bearing nearly white fruit and having leaves used as food for silkworms.
noun plural -ries
  1. any moraceous tree of the temperate genus Morus, having edible blackberry-like fruit, such as M. alba (white mulberry), the leaves of which are used to feed silkworms
  2. the fruit of any of these trees
  3. any of several similar or related trees, such as the paper mulberry and Indian mulberry
    • a dark purple colour
    • (as adjective)
Mulberry (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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