Munro (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. Canadian short-story writer.
  2. Scottish novelist and short-story writer, born in Myanmar (Burma).
noun plural Munros
  1. any separate mountain peak over 3000 feet high: originally used of Scotland only but now sometimes extended to other parts of the British Isles
  1. Alice, original name Alice Laidlaw. born 1931, Canadian short-story writer; her books include Lives of Girls and Women (1971), The Moons of Jupiter (1982), and The Love of a Good Woman (1999); winner of the Booker international prize (2009) for a lifetime body of work
  2. H (ector) H (ugh), pen name Saki. 1870–1916, Scottish author, born in Burma (now Myanmar), noted for his collections of satirical short stories, such as Reginald (1904) and Beasts and Superbeasts (1914)
Munro (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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