Neutralize (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), neu·tral·ized, neu·tral·iz·ing.
  1. to make neutral; cause to undergo neutralization.
  2. to make (something) ineffective; counteract; nullify: carelessness that neutralized our efforts.
  3. to put out of action or make incapable of action: to neutralize an enemy position.
  4. to declare neutral; invest with neutrality in order to exempt from involvement during a war: to neutralize a city to prevent bombing.
  5. to add an acid to a basic solution or a base to an acidic solution until the resulting solution is chemically neutral (pH = 7).
  6. to render electrically or magnetically neutral.
verb (used without object), neu·tral·ized, neu·tral·iz·ing.
  1. to become neutral or neutralized; undergo neutralization: With this additive the solution begins to neutralize.
verb (mainly tr)
  1. to render or become ineffective or neutral by counteracting, mixing, etc; nullify
  2. to make or become electrically or chemically neutral
  3. to exclude (a country) from the sphere of warfare or alliances by international agreement
  4. to render (an army) incapable of further military action
    Neutralize (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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