Nicety (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural ni·ce·ties.
  1. a delicate or fine point; punctilio: niceties of protocol.
  2. a fine distinction; subtlety; detail: the niceties of the filigree work.
  3. a refined, elegant, or choice feature, as of manner or living: working hard to acquire the niceties of life.
  4. exactness or precision.
  5. the quality of being nice; niceness.
  6. delicacy of character, as of something requiring care or tact: a matter of considerable nicety.
noun plural -ties
  1. a subtle point of delicacy or distinction
  2. a refinement or delicacy
  3. subtlety, delicacy, or precision
  4. excessive refinement; fastidiousness
  5. with precision
Nicety (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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