Nose (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the part of the face or facial region in humans and certain animals that contains the nostrils and the organs of smell and functions as the usual passageway for air in respiration: in humans it is a prominence in the center of the face formed of bone and cartilage, serving also to modify or modulate the voice.
  2. this part as the organ of smell.
  3. the sense of smell: fragrances appealing to the nose.
  4. anything regarded as resembling the nose of a person or animal, as a spout or nozzle.
  5. the prow of a ship.
  6. the forward end of an aircraft.
  7. the forward edge of the head of a golf club.
  8. a projecting part of anything: the nose of a pair of pliers.
  9. a faculty of perceiving or detecting: to have a nose for news.
  10. the human nose regarded as a symbol of meddling or prying: Why can't he keep his nose out of my business?
  11. the length of a nose: The horse won the race by a nose.
  12. the bouquet of an alcoholic drink, especially the distinctive aroma of a wine.
verb (used with object), nosed, nos·ing.
  1. to perceive by or as by the nose or the sense of smell: a cheese that could be nosed at some distance.
  2. to approach the nose to, as in smelling or examining; sniff.
  3. to move or push forward with or as with the nose: The dog nosed its pup back into the yard. The boat nosed its way toward shore.
  4. to touch or rub with the nose; nuzzle.
verb (used without object), nosed, nos·ing.
  1. to smell or sniff.
  2. to seek as if by smelling or scent: The dogs nosed after their quarry.
  3. to move or push forward: to nose into the wind.
  4. to meddle or pry (often followed by about, into, etc.): They are always nosing about in other people's business.
Verb Phrases
  1. nose out,
    • to defeat, especially by a narrow margin: The other candidates had been nosed out in the final returns.
    • to learn or discover, especially by snooping or prying: to nose out a secret.
  1. to count the number of people in attendance: Each time the troop left an exhibit the leader counted noses.
  2. to create a disadvantage to oneself through one's own spiteful action.
  3. follow one's nose,
    • to go forward in a straight course.
    • to guide oneself by instinct: I found the house by following my nose.
  4. to repress feelings of distaste, repulsion, or offense for something that one is obliged to do: He held his nose and voted for the bill.
  5. to behave oneself; avoid trouble or scandal: Did he keep his nose clean after he got out of prison?
  6. grindstone (def. 3).
  7. to exercise complete control over; dominate totally: He lets his brother lead him by the nose.
  8. to regard with disdain or condescension: He had always looked down his nose at those who were poorer than he.
  9. on the nose, Informal.
    • precisely, correctly, or perfectly.
    • exactly on time: We made it at ten o'clock on the nose.
    • (of a bet) for win only.
    • decayed or putrid; stinking.
    • distasteful or unpleasant; of doubtful validity or propriety.
  10. to pay an excessive price: They patronize small and exclusive shops where they cheerfully pay through the nose.
  11. put someone's nose out of joint,
    • to annoy or irritate greatly.
    • to supersede a person in another's regard, devotion, etc.
    • to thwart someone; spoil someone's plans.
  12. to persecute or tease someone persistently about; nag someone about: I know I was wrong but you don't have to rub my nose in it.
  13. to regard with contempt; scorn: My friend turns up his nose at anyone who hasn't had a college education.
  14. plainly visible to; in full view of; in bold defiance of: The theft took place right under the detective's nose.
  1. the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract, consisting of a prominent structure divided into two hair-lined air passages by a median septum
  2. the sense of smell itself: in hounds and other animals, the ability to follow trails by scent (esp in the phrases a good nose, a bad nose)
  3. another word for bouquet (def. 2)
  4. instinctive skill or facility, esp in discovering things (sometimes in the phrase follow one's nose)
  5. any part regarded as resembling a nose in form or function, such as a nozzle or spout
  6. the forward part of a vehicle, aircraft, etc, esp the front end of an aircraft
  7. narrow margin of victory (in the phrase (win) by a nose)
  8. to carry out a vengeful action that hurts oneself more than another
  9. to annoy or irritate someone
  10. to stay out of trouble; behave properly
  11. to work hard and continuously
  12. to make someone do unquestioningly all one wishes; dominate someone
  13. to be contemptuous or disdainful of
  14. (of vehicles) moving or standing very close behind one another
  15. on the nose slang
    • (in horse-race betting) to win only
    • precisely; exactly
    • bad or bad-smelling
  16. to pay an exorbitant price
  17. to pry into or interfere in
  18. to thwart or offend someone, esp by supplanting him or gaining something he regards as his
  19. to remind someone unkindly of his failing or error
  20. see no further than one's nose or see no further than the end of one's nose informal
    • to be short-sighted; suffer from myopia
    • to lack insight or foresight
  21. to behave disdainfully towards (something)
  22. under one's nose
    • directly in front of one
    • without one noticing
  23. haughtily
  1. (esp of horses, dogs, etc) to rub, touch, or sniff with the nose; nuzzle
  2. to smell or sniff (wine, etc)
  3. to search (for) by or as if by scent
  4. to move or cause to move forwards slowly and carefully
  5. to pry or snoop (into) or meddle (in)
Nose (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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