Observant (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. quick to notice or perceive; alert: Watch for traffic and stay observant as you walk, not lost in thought.
  2. looking at, watching, or regarding attentively; watchful: Thousands of customers have been warned to be observant against a surge of scam letters claiming to be from the bank.
    • actively following or adhering to a particular religion: In Holland during the year surveyed, there were more observant Muslims than either observant Catholics or Protestants, but not all Christians combined.
    • careful in following or adhering to a particular law, custom, religious ritual, or the like (often used with of or to): He is well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments.
  1. a person who follows or adheres to a particular law, custom, religion, etc.
  2. a member of a Franciscan order that follows the strict rule of St. Francis.
  1. paying close attention to detail; watchful or heedful
  2. adhering strictly to rituals, ceremonies, laws, etc
Observant (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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