Odds (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun (usually used with a plural verb)
  1. the probability that something is so, will occur, or is more likely to occur than something else: The odds are that it will rain today.
  2. the ratio of probability that something is so, will occur, or is more likely to occur than something else.
  3. this ratio used as the basis of a bet; the ratio by which the bet of one party to a wager exceeds that of the other, granted by one of two betting opponents to equalize the chances favoring one of them: The odds are two-to-one that it won't rain today.
  4. an equalizing allowance, as that given the weaker person or team in a contest; handicap.
  5. an advantage or degree of superiority on the side of two contending parties; a difference favoring one of two contestants.
  6. an amount or degree by which one thing is better or worse than another.
  1. at variance; in disagreement: They were usually at odds over political issues.
  2. in every respect; by far; undoubtedly: She is by all odds the brightest child in the family.
pl n
  1. the probability, expressed as a ratio, that a certain event will take place
  2. the amount, expressed as a ratio, by which the wager of one better is greater than that of another
  3. the likelihood that a certain state of affairs will be found to be so
  4. the chances or likelihood of success in a certain undertaking
  5. an equalizing allowance, esp one given to a weaker side in a contest
  6. the advantage that one contender is judged to have over another
  7. a significant difference (esp in the phrase it makes no odds)
  8. at odds
    • on bad terms
    • appearing not to correspond or match
  9. to offer a bet with favourable odds
  10. to accept such a bet
  11. over the odds
    • more than is expected, necessary, etc
    • unfair or excessive
  12. what difference does it make?
Odds (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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