Old (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, old·er [ohl-der], /ˈoʊl dər/, old·est [ohl-dist] /ˈoʊl dɪst/ or eld·er [el-der], /ˈɛl dər/, eld·est [el-dist]. /ˈɛl dɪst/.
  1. far advanced in the years of one's or its life: an old man;an old horse;an old tree.
  2. of or relating to the latter part of the life or term of existence of a person or thing: old age.
  3. as if or appearing to be far advanced in years: Worry had made him old.
  4. having lived or existed for a specified time: a man 30 years old;a century-old organization.
  5. having lived or existed as specified with relation to younger or newer persons or things: Jim is our oldest boy.
  6. having been aged for a specified time: This whiskey is eight years old.
  7. having been aged for a comparatively long time: old brandy.
  8. long known or in use: the same old excuse.
  9. overfamiliar to the point of tedium: Some jokes get old fast.
  10. belonging to the past: the good old days.
  11. having been in existence since the distant past: a fine old family.
  12. no longer in general use: Our dishwasher is an old model, so replacement parts are hard to find.
  13. acquired, made, or in use by one prior to the acquisition, making, or use of something more recent: When the new house was built, we sold the old one.
  14. of, relating to, or originating at an earlier period or date: old maps.
  15. former; having been so formerly: I ran into my old piano teacher the other day.
  16. prehistoric; ancient: There may have been an old land bridge between Asia and Alaska.
  17. (of a language) in its oldest known period, as attested by the earliest written records: Old Czech.
  18. experienced: He's an old hand at welding.
  19. of long standing; having been such for a comparatively long time: an old and trusted employee.
  20. (of colors) dull, faded, or subdued: old rose.
  21. deteriorated through age or long use; worn, decayed, or dilapidated: old clothes.
  22. (of landforms) far advanced in reduction by erosion or the like.
  23. sedate, sensible, mature, or wise: That child seems old beyond his years.
  24. (used to indicate affection, familiarity, disparagement, or a personalization): good old Bob;that dirty old jalopy.
  25. (used as an intensive) great; uncommon: a high old time.
  1. old persons collectively: appropriations to care for the old.
  2. a person or animal of a specified age or age group (used in combination): a class for six-year-olds;a horse race for three-year-olds.
  3. old or former time, often time long past: days of old.
  1. having lived or existed for a relatively long time
    • of or relating to advanced years or a long life
    • (as collective noun; preceded by the)
    • people of all ages
  2. decrepit or senile
  3. worn with age or use
    • having lived or existed for a specified period
    • (in combination)
    • (as noun in combination)
  4. earlier or earliest of two or more things with the same name
  5. designating the form of a language in which the earliest known records are written
  6. familiar through long acquaintance or repetition
  7. practised; hardened
  8. cherished; dear: used as a term of affection or familiarity
  9. used as a familiar form of address to a person
  10. skilled through long experience (esp in the phrase an old hand)
  11. out-of-date; unfashionable
  12. remote or distant in origin or time of origin
  13. former; previous
    • established for a relatively long time
    • (in combination)
  14. sensible, wise, or mature
  15. (of a river, valley, or land surface) in the final stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by flat extensive flood plains and minimum relief
  16. (intensifier) (esp in phrases such as a good old time, any old thing, any old how, etc)
  17. (of crops) harvested late
  18. an earlier period of time regarded as better than the present
  19. indicating affection, esp humorous affection
  20. the old one or the old gentleman informal a jocular name for Satan
  1. an earlier or past time (esp in the phrase of old)
Old (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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