Om (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun Hinduism.
  1. a mantric word thought to be a complete expression of Brahman and interpreted as having three sounds representing Brahma or creation, Vishnu or preservation, and Siva or destruction, or as consisting of the same three sounds, representing waking, dreams, and deep sleep, along with the following silence, which is fulfillment.
  1. Ostmark.
abbreviation British.
  1. Order of Merit.
the internet domain name for
  1. Oman
  1. a sacred syllable typifying the three gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, who are concerned in the threefold operation of integration, maintenance, and disintegration
abbreviation for
  1. Order of Merit (a Brit title)
symbol for
  1. (the former) Ostmark
abbreviation for
  1. Oman (international car registration)
Om (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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