Ordinary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.
  2. plain or undistinguished: ordinary clothes.
  3. somewhat inferior or below average; mediocre.
  4. customary; usual; normal: We plan to do the ordinary things this weekend.
  5. common, vulgar, or disreputable.
  6. (of jurisdiction) immediate, as contrasted with something that is delegated.
  7. (of officials) belonging to the regular staff or the fully recognized class.
noun, plural or·di·nar·ies.
  1. the commonplace or average condition, degree, etc.: ability far above the ordinary.
  2. something regular, customary, or usual.
  3. Ecclesiastical.
    • an order or form for divine service, especially that for saying Mass.
    • the service of the Mass exclusive of the canon.
  4. a member of the clergy appointed to prepare condemned prisoners for death.
  5. a bishop, archbishop, or other ecclesiastic or his deputy, in his capacity as an ex officio ecclesiastical authority.
  6. (in some U.S. states) a judge of a court of probate.
  7. (in a restaurant or inn) a complete meal in which all courses are included at one fixed price, as opposed to à la carte service.
  8. a restaurant, public house, or dining room serving all guests and customers the same standard meal or fare.
  9. penny-farthing.
  10. Heraldry.
    • any of the simplest and commonest charges, usually having straight or broadly curved edges.
    • honorable ordinary.
  1. in regular service: a physician in ordinary to the king.
  2. out of the ordinary,
    • exceptional; unusual: Having triplets is certainly out of the ordinary.
    • exceptionally good; unusually good: The food at this restaurant is truly out of the ordinary.
  1. of common or established type or occurrence
  2. familiar, everyday, or unexceptional
  3. uninteresting or commonplace
  4. having regular or ex officio jurisdiction
  5. (of a differential equation) containing two variables only and derivatives of one of the variables with respect to the other
noun plural -naries
  1. a common or average situation, amount, or degree (esp in the phrase out of the ordinary)
  2. a normal or commonplace person or thing
  3. a judge who exercises jurisdiction in his own right
  4. an ecclesiastic, esp a bishop, holding an office to which certain jurisdictional powers are attached
  5. RC Church
    • the parts of the Mass that do not vary from day to day
    • a prescribed form of divine service, esp the Mass
  6. the US name for penny-farthing
  7. any of several conventional figures, such as the bend, the fesse, and the cross, commonly charged upon shields
  8. a clergyman who visited condemned prisoners before their death
  9. British obsolete
    • a meal provided regularly at a fixed price
    • the inn providing such meals
  10. (used esp in titles) in regular service or attendance
Ordinary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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