- a hard, heavy, metallic element having the greatest density of the known elements and forming octavalent compounds, as OsO4 and OsF8: used chiefly as a catalyst, in alloys, and in the manufacture of electric-light filaments. Symbol: Os; atomic weight: 190.2; atomic number: 76; specific gravity: 22.57.
- a very hard brittle bluish-white metal occurring with platinum and alloyed with iridium in osmiridium: used to produce platinum alloys, mainly for pen tips and instrument pivots, as a catalyst, and in electric-light filaments. Symbol: Os; atomic no: 76; atomic wt: 190.2; valency: 0 to 8; relative density: 22.57; melting pt: 3033±30°C; boiling pt: 5012±100°C