Paint (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a substance composed of solid coloring matter suspended in a liquid medium and applied as a protective or decorative coating to various surfaces, or to canvas or other materials in producing a work of art.
  2. an application of this.
  3. the dried surface pigment: Don't scuff the paint.
  4. the solid coloring matter alone; pigment.
  5. facial cosmetics, especially lipstick, rouge, etc., designed to heighten natural color.
  6. a pied, calico, or spotted horse or pony; pinto.
verb (used with object)
  1. to coat, cover, or decorate (something) with paint: to paint a fence.
  2. to produce (a picture, design, etc.) in paint: to paint a portrait.
  3. to represent in paint, as in oils, tempera, or watercolor: to paint an actress as the Muse of tragedy.
  4. to depict as if by painting; describe vividly in words: The ads painted the resort as a winter wonderland.
  5. to color by or as if by painting: Sunset painted the clouds pink.
  6. to apply a substance to, as a liquid medicine or a cosmetic: to paint a cut with iodine.
verb (used without object)
  1. to coat or cover anything with paint.
  2. to engage in painting as an art: She has begun to paint in her spare time.
  3. to put on or use facial cosmetics.
  1. to celebrate boisterously, especially by making a round of stops at bars and nightclubs.
  1. a substance used for decorating or protecting a surface, esp a mixture consisting of a solid pigment suspended in a liquid, that when applied to a surface dries to form a hard coating
  2. a dry film of paint on a surface
  3. the solid pigment of a paint before it is suspended in liquid
  4. face make-up, such as rouge
  5. short for greasepaint
  1. to make (a picture) of (a figure, landscape, etc) with paint applied to a surface such as canvas
  2. to coat (a surface) with paint, as in decorating
  3. to apply (liquid) onto (a surface)
  4. to apply make-up onto (the face, lips, etc)
  5. to describe vividly in words
  6. to celebrate uninhibitedly; go on a spree
Paint (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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