Palm (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the part of the inner surface of the hand that extends from the wrist to the bases of the fingers.
  2. the corresponding part of the forefoot of an animal.
  3. the part of a glove covering this part of the hand.
  4. a stiff rawhide or metal shield worn over this part of the hand by sailmakers to serve as a thimble.
  5. a linear measure of from 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 centimeters), based on the breadth of the hand.
  6. a linear measure of from 7 to 10 inches (17.5 to 25 centimeters), based on the length of the hand.
  7. the flat, expanded part of the horn or antler of a deer.
  8. a flat, widened part at the end of an armlike projection.
  9. Nautical.
    • the blade of an oar.
    • the inner face of an anchor fluke.
    • (loosely) an anchor fluke.
  10. a flat-topped bearing member at the head of a stanchion.
verb (used with object)
  1. to conceal in the palm, as in cheating at cards or dice or in juggling.
  2. to pick up stealthily.
  3. to hold in the hand.
  4. to impose (something) fraudulently (usually followed by on or upon): to palm stolen jewels on someone.
  5. to touch or stroke with the palm or hand.
  6. to shake hands with.
  7. to grip (the ball) momentarily with the hand in the act of dribbling.
Verb Phrases
  1. to dispose of by deception, trickery, or fraud; substitute (something) with intent to deceive: Someone had palmed off a forgery on the museum officials.
  1. to bribe: Before any work could begin, it was necessary to grease the superintendent's palm.
  1. any of numerous plants of the family Palmae, most species being tall, unbranched trees surmounted by a crown of large pinnate or palmately cleft leaves.
  2. any of various other trees or shrubs that resemble this.
  3. a leaf or branch of such a tree, especially as formerly borne to signify victory or as used on festive occasions.
  4. a representation of such a leaf or branch, as on a military or other decoration of honor, usually indicating a second award of the decoration.
  5. the reward of honor due to a victor: In oratory she yields the palm to no one.
  6. victory; triumph; success: He carried off the palm by sheer perseverance.
  1. the inner part of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers
  2. a corresponding part in animals, esp apes and monkeys
  3. a linear measure based on the breadth or length of a hand, equal to three to four inches or seven to ten inches respectively
  4. the part of a glove that covers the palm
  5. a hard leather shield worn by sailmakers to protect the palm of the hand
    • the side of the blade of an oar that faces away from the direction of a boat's movement during a stroke
    • the face of the fluke of an anchor
  6. a flattened or expanded part of the antlers of certain deer
  7. at one's mercy or command
verb (tr)
  1. to conceal in or about the hand, as in sleight-of-hand tricks
  2. to touch or soothe with the palm of the hand
  1. any treelike plant of the tropical and subtropical monocotyledonous family Arecaceae (formerly Palmae or Palmaceae), usually having a straight unbranched trunk crowned with large pinnate or palmate leaves
  2. a leaf or branch of any of these trees, a symbol of victory, success, etc
  3. merit or victory
  4. an emblem or insignia representing a leaf or branch worn on certain military decorations
Palm (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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