- going by or past; elapsing: He was feeling better with each passing day.
- brief, fleeting, or fortuitous; transitory: to take a passing fancy to something.
- done, given, etc., in passing; cursory: a passing mention.
- surpassing, preeminent, or extreme.
- indicating satisfactory performance in a course, on a paper, in a test, etc.: a passing grade on a test.
- living or being known as a member of a racial, religious, or ethnic group other than one's own, especially living and being known as a white person although of Black ancestry: Employees with a passing racial identity expressed frequent discomfort in the workplace.
- being known or perceived as a gender other than the one assigned at birth: Passing women who dress and live as men have existed throughout history.The environment might be safer for a passing trans man than for someone who is obviously transgender.
- surpassingly; exceedingly; very.
- the act of a person or thing that passes or causes something to pass.
- a means or place of passage.
- by the way; incidentally: The speaker mentioned his latest book in passing.
- transitory or momentary
- cursory or casual in action or manner
- to an extreme degree
- a place where or means by which one may pass, cross, ford, etc
- a euphemism for death
- by the way; incidentally