Pectoral (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. of, in, on, or pertaining to the chest or breast; thoracic.
  2. worn on the breast or chest.
  3. proceeding from the heart or inner consciousness.
  4. (of a vocal quality) appearing to come from resonance in the chest; full or deep.
  5. of or for diseases of the lungs.
  1. a pectoral part or organ, as a pectoral muscle.
  2. pectoral fin.
  3. something worn on the breast for ornament, protection, etc., as a breastplate.
  1. of or relating to the chest, breast, or thorax
  2. worn on the breast or chest
  3. heartfelt or sincere
  1. a pectoral organ or part, esp a muscle or fin
  2. a medicine or remedy for disorders of the chest or lungs
  3. anything worn on the chest or breast for decoration or protection
    Pectoral (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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