Penetration (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the act or power of penetrating.
  2. mental acuteness, discernment, or insight: a scholar of rare penetration.
  3. the obtaining of a share of a market for some commodity or service.
  4. the extension, usually peaceful, of the influence of one nation or culture into the affairs of another.
  5. a military attack that penetrates into enemy territory.
  6. the depth to which a projectile goes into the target.
  7. the measure of relative depth of field of a telescope or microscope, especially a binocular microscope.
  1. the act or an instance of penetrating
  2. the ability or power to penetrate
  3. keen insight or perception
  4. an offensive manoeuvre that breaks through an enemy's defensive position
  5. the proportion of the total number of potential purchasers of a product or service who either are aware of its existence or actually buy it
  6. another name for depth of field
Penetration (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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