Percolate (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), per·co·lat·ed, per·co·lat·ing.
  1. to cause (a liquid) to pass through a porous body; filter.
  2. (of a liquid) to filter through; permeate.
  3. to brew (coffee) in a percolator.
verb (used without object), per·co·lat·ed, per·co·lat·ing.
  1. to pass through a porous substance; filter; ooze; seep; trickle.
  2. to become percolated: The coffee is starting to percolate.
  3. to become active, lively, or spirited.
  4. to show activity, movement, or life; grow or spread gradually; germinate: Interest in the idea has begun to percolate.
  1. a percolated liquid.
verb (ˈpɜːkəˌleɪt)
  1. to cause (a liquid) to pass through a fine mesh, porous substance, etc, or (of a liquid) to pass through a fine mesh, porous substance, etc; trickle
  2. to permeate; penetrate gradually
  3. to become active or lively
  4. to make (coffee) or (of coffee) to be made in a percolator
noun (ˈpɜːkəlɪt, -ˌleɪt)
  1. a product of percolation
Percolate (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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