Personify (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), per·son·i·fied, per·son·i·fy·ing.
  1. to attribute human nature or character to (an inanimate object or an abstraction), as in speech or writing.
  2. to represent (a thing or abstraction) in the form of a person, as in art.
  3. to embody (a quality, idea, etc.) in a real person or a concrete thing.
  4. to be an embodiment or incarnation of; typify: He personifies the ruthless ambition of some executives.The vicar's wife was grace and beauty personified.
  5. to personate.
verb -fies, -fying or -fied (tr)
  1. to attribute human characteristics to (a thing or abstraction)
  2. to represent (an abstract quality) in human or animal form
  3. (of a person or thing) to represent (an abstract quality), as in art or literature
  4. to be the embodiment of
Personify (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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