Pervert (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to affect with perversion.
  2. to lead astray morally.
  3. to turn away from the right course.
  4. to lead into mental error or false judgment.
  5. to turn to an improper use; misapply.
  6. to misconstrue or misinterpret, especially deliberately; distort: to pervert someone's statement.
  7. to bring to a less excellent state; vitiate; debase.
  8. to change to what is unnatural or abnormal.
  9. to convert or persuade to a religious belief regarded as false or wrong.
  1. a person who practices sexual perversion.
  2. a person affected with perversion.
  3. a person who has been perverted, or turned from what is right, especially to a religious belief regarded as erroneous.
verb (pəˈvɜːt) (tr)
  1. to use wrongly or badly
  2. to interpret wrongly or badly; distort
  3. to lead into deviant or perverted beliefs or behaviour; corrupt
  4. to debase
noun (ˈpɜːvɜːt)
  1. a person who practises sexual perversion
Pervert (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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