Petrify (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), pet·ri·fied, pet·ri·fy·ing.
  1. to convert into stone or a stony substance.
  2. to benumb or paralyze with astonishment, horror, or other strong emotion: I was petrified with fear.
  3. to make rigid or inert; harden; deaden: The tragedy in his life petrified his emotions.
verb (used without object), pet·ri·fied, pet·ri·fy·ing.
  1. to become petrified.
verb -fies, -fying or -fied
  1. to convert (organic material, esp plant material) into a fossilized form by impregnation with dissolved minerals so that the original appearance is preserved
  2. to make or become dull, unresponsive, insensitive, etc; deaden
  3. to stun or daze with horror, fear, etc
Petrify (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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