Pinion (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. Machinery.
    • a gear with a small number of teeth, especially one engaging with a rack or larger gear.
    • a shaft or spindle cut with teeth engaging with a gear.
  2. a gear driving a roll in a rolling mill.
  1. the distal or terminal segment of the wing of a bird consisting of the carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges.
  2. a feather.
  3. the flight feathers collectively.
  4. the wing of a bird.
verb (used with object)
  1. to cut off the pinion of (a wing) or bind (the wings), as in order to prevent a bird from flying.
  2. to disable or restrain (a bird) in such a manner.
  3. to bind (a person's arms or hands) so they cannot be used.
  4. to disable (someone) in such a manner; shackle.
  5. to bind or hold fast, as to a thing: to be pinioned to one's bad habits.
  1. a bird's wing
  2. the part of a bird's wing including the flight feathers
verb (tr)
  1. to hold or bind (the arms) of (a person) so as to restrain or immobilize him
  2. to confine or shackle
  3. to make (a bird) incapable of flight by removing that part of (the wing) from which the flight feathers grow
  1. a cogwheel that engages with a larger wheel or rack, which it drives or by which it is driven
Pinion (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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