Planetary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. of, relating to, or resembling a planet or the planets.
  2. wandering; erratic.
  3. terrestrial; global.
  4. noting or pertaining to an epicyclic gear train in which a sun gear is linked to one or more planet gears also engaging with an encircling ring gear.
  1. a planetary gear train.
  1. of or relating to a planet
  2. mundane; terrestrial
  3. wandering or erratic
  4. under the influence of one of the planets
  5. (of a gear, esp an epicyclic gear) having an axis that rotates around that of another gear
  6. (of an electron) having an orbit around the nucleus of an atom
noun plural -taries
  1. a train of planetary gears
Planetary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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