Platy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, plat·i·er, plat·i·est.
  1. (of an igneous rock) split into thin, flat sheets, often resembling strata, as a result of uneven cooling.
noun, plural (especially collectively) plat·y, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) plat·ys, plat·ies.
  1. platyfish.
  1. a combining form meaning “flat,” “broad,” used in the formation of compound words: platyhelminth.
adjective platier or platiest
  1. of, relating to, or designating rocks the constituents of which occur in flaky layers
noun plural platy, platys or platies
  1. any of various small brightly coloured freshwater cyprinodont fishes of the Central American genus Xiphophorus, esp X. maculatus
combining form
  1. indicating something flat
Platy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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