Powwow (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a large gathering organized by Native Americans for socializing, dancing, singing, and celebrating their culture.
  2. a council or conference of or with Native Americans.
  3. (historically, among North American Indians) a ceremony accompanied by spiritual, religious, and ritual practices, along with dancing, performed for the cure of disease, success in a hunt, etc.
  4. (among Native Americans) a priest or shaman.
  5. any conference or meeting.
verb (used without object)
  1. to hold a powwow, such as a cultural gathering, council, or spiritual ceremony for Native Americans.
  2. to confer.
  1. a talk, conference, or meeting
  2. a magical ceremony of certain North American Indians, usually accompanied by feasting and dancing
  3. (among certain North American Indians) a medicine man
  4. a meeting of or negotiation with North American Indians
  1. to hold a powwow
Powwow (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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