Presbytery (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural pres·by·ter·ies.
  1. a body of presbyters or elders.
  2. (in Presbyterian churches) an ecclesiastical court consisting of all the ministers and one or two presbyters from each congregation in a district.
  3. the churches under the jurisdiction of a presbytery.
  4. the part of a church appropriated to the clergy.
  5. a rectory.
noun plural -teries
  1. Presbyterian Church
    • a local Church court composed of ministers and elders
    • the congregations or churches within the jurisdiction of any such court
  2. the part of a cathedral or church east of the choir, in which the main altar is situated; sanctuary
  3. presbyters or elders collectively
  4. government of a church by presbyters or elders
  5. the residence of a parish priest
Presbytery (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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