Preseason (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a period before the season, especially the period of time in organized sports when athletes train and practice for the regular season: As a professional athlete, I just try not to get injured in the preseason.Deer hunters set aside time in the preseason to repair and maintain their stands, set trail cameras, and clear branches or brush from shooting lanes.
  1. of, relating to, or occurring in the preseason: Some of the coaching staff was replaced after an embarrassing preseason loss to the weakest team in the league.The resort offers discounted preseason ski passes in November.
verb (used with object)
  1. to season (food) with condiments, spices, herbs, or the like before it is packaged or cooked: Preseason the roast with a teaspoon of salt per pound of meat several hours before grilling it.
    • the period immediately before the official season for a particular sport begins
    • (as modifier)
Preseason (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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