Principle (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a person of good moral principles.
  2. a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived: the principles of modern physics.
  3. a fundamental doctrine or tenet; a distinctive ruling opinion: the principles of the Stoics.
  4. a personal or specific basis of conduct or management: to adhere to one's principles; a kindergarten run on modern principles.
  5. guiding sense of the requirements and obligations of right conduct: a person of principle.
  6. an adopted rule or method for application in action: a working principle for general use.
  7. a rule or law exemplified in natural phenomena, the construction or operation of a machine, the working of a system, or the like: the principle of capillary attraction.
  8. the method of formation, operation, or procedure exhibited in a given case: a community organized on the patriarchal principle.
  9. a determining characteristic of something; essential quality.
  10. an originating or actuating agency or force: growth is the principle of life.
  11. an actuating agency in the mind or character, as an instinct, faculty, or natural tendency: the principles of human behavior.
  12. a constituent of a substance, especially one giving to it some distinctive quality or effect.
  13. beginning or commencement.
  1. in essence or substance; fundamentally: to accept a plan in principle.
  2. on principle,
    • according to personal rules for right conduct; as a matter of moral principle: He refused on principle to agree to the terms of the treaty.
    • according to a fixed rule, method, or practice: He drank hot milk every night on principle.
  1. a standard or rule of personal conduct
  2. a set of such moral rules
  3. adherence to such a moral code; morality
  4. a fundamental or general truth or law
  5. the essence of something
  6. a source or fundamental cause; origin
  7. a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the behaviour of a system
  8. an underlying or guiding theory or belief
  9. a constituent of a substance that gives the substance its characteristics and behaviour
  10. in theory or essence
  11. because of or in demonstration of a principle
  1. Christian Science another word for God
Principle (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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