Prominence (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the state of being prominent; conspicuousness.
  2. something that is prominent; a projection or protuberance: a prominence high over a ravine.
  3. an eruption of a flamelike tongue of relatively cool, high-density gas from the solar chromosphere into the corona where it can be seen during a solar eclipse or by observing strong spectral lines in its emission spectrum.
  1. the state or quality of being prominent
  2. something that is prominent, such as a protuberance
  3. relative importance or consequence
  4. an eruption of incandescent gas from the sun's surface that can reach an altitude of several hundred thousand kilometres. Prominences are visible during a total eclipse. When viewed in front of the brighter solar disc, they are called filaments
    Prominence (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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