Protector (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person or thing that protects; defender; guardian.
  2. English History.
    • a person in charge of the kingdom during the sovereign's minority, incapacity, or absence.
    • the title of the head of the government during the period of the Protectorate, held by Oliver Cromwell (1653–58) and by Richard Cromwell, his son (1658–59).
  1. a person or thing that protects
  2. a person who exercised royal authority during the minority, absence, or incapacity of the monarch
  1. short for Lord Protector, the title borne by Oliver Cromwell (1653–58) and by Richard Cromwell (1658–59) as heads of state during the period known as the Protectorate
Protector (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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