Province (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an administrative division or unit of a country.
  2. the provinces,
    • the parts of a country outside of the capital or the largest cities.
    • (in England) all parts of the country outside of London.
  3. a country, territory, district, or region.
  4. physiographic province.
  5. a department or branch of learning or activity: the province of mathematics.
  6. sphere or field of activity or authority, as of a person; office, function, or business: Such decisions do not lie within his province.
  7. a major subdivision of British India.
  8. an ecclesiastical territorial division, as that within which an archbishop or a metropolitan exercises jurisdiction.
  9. History/Historical.
    • any of the North American colonies now forming major administrative divisions of Canada.
    • any of certain colonies of Great Britain which are now part of the U.S.
  10. a country or territory outside of Italy, brought under the ancient Roman dominion and administered by a governor sent from Rome.
  11. an individual mineral-producing area.
  1. a territory governed as a unit of a country or empire
  2. a district, territory, or region
  3. those parts of a country lying outside the capital and other large cities and regarded as outside the mainstream of sophisticated culture
  4. a subdivision of a region, characterized by a particular fauna and flora
  5. an area or branch of learning, activity, etc
  6. the field or extent of a person's activities or office
  7. an ecclesiastical territory, usually consisting of several dioceses, and having an archbishop or metropolitan at its head
  8. a major administrative and territorial subdivision of a religious order
  9. a region of the Roman Empire outside Italy ruled by a governor from Rome
Province (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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