Publish (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to issue (printed or otherwise reproduced textual or graphic material, computer software, etc.) for sale or distribution to the public.
  2. to issue publicly the work of: Random House publishes Faulkner.
  3. to submit (content) online, as to a message board or blog: I published a comment on her blog post with examples from my own life.They publish a new webcomic once a month.
  4. to announce formally or officially; proclaim; promulgate.
  5. to make publicly or generally known.
  6. to communicate (a defamatory statement) to some person or persons other than the person defamed.
verb (used without object)
  1. to issue newspapers, books, computer software, etc.; engage in publishing: The new house will start to publish next month.
  2. to have one's work published: She has decided to publish with another house.
  1. to produce and issue (printed or electronic matter) for distribution and sale
  2. to have one's written work issued for publication
  3. to announce formally or in public
  4. to communicate (defamatory matter) to someone other than the person defamed
Publish (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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