Purge (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), purged, purg·ing.
  1. to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify: The water was purged and then tested for purity, so it should be safe to drink.
  2. to rid, clear, or free (usually followed by of or from): The raid was intended to purge the political party of disloyal members.
  3. to remove by cleansing or purifying (often followed by away, off, or out).
  4. to clear or empty (the stomach or bowels) by inducing vomiting or evacuation.
  5. to cause evacuation of the bowels of (a person).
  6. to put to death or otherwise eliminate (undesirable or unwanted members) from a political organization, government, nation, etc.
  7. to delete or remove (data or the like): Make sure to purge all sensitive information from your phone before you sell it.
  8. to clear of imputed guilt or ritual uncleanliness.
  9. to clear away or wipe out legally (an offense, accusation, etc.) by atonement or other suitable action.
  10. Metallurgy.
    • to drive off (undesirable gases) from a furnace or stove.
    • to free (a furnace or stove) of undesirable gases.
verb (used without object), purged, purg·ing.
  1. to become cleansed or purified.
  2. to clear or empty the stomach or bowels by inducing vomiting or evacuation: A bulimic individual who binges and purges often will experience physical changes that make stopping the cycle extremely difficult.
  1. the act or process of purging.
  2. the removal or elimination of members of a political organization, government, nation, etc., who are considered disloyal or otherwise undesirable.
  3. something that purges, as a purgative medicine or laxative.
  1. to rid (something) of (impure or undesirable elements)
  2. to rid (a state, political party, etc) of (dissident or troublesome people)
  3. (tr)
    • to empty (the bowels) by evacuation of faeces
    • to cause (a person) to evacuate his bowels
    • to clear (a person) of a charge
    • to free (oneself) of guilt, as by atonement
  4. to be cleansed or purified
  1. the act or process of purging
  2. the elimination of opponents or dissidents from a state, political party, etc
  3. a purgative drug or agent; cathartic
Purge (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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