Python (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. any of several Old World boa constrictors of the subfamily Pythoninae, often growing to a length of more than 20 feet (6 meters): the Indian python, Python molurus, is endangered.
  1. a spirit or demon.
  2. a person who is possessed by a spirit and prophesies by its aid.
noun Classical Mythology.
  1. a large dragon who guarded the chasm at Delphi from which prophetic vapors emerged. He was finally killed by Apollo, who established his oracle on the site.
Digital Technology, Trademark.
  1. an open-source, high-level programming language known for its readability and support for multiple programming styles, and, due to its many libraries, a large range of applications.
  1. any large nonvenomous snake of the family Pythonidae of Africa, S Asia, and Australia, such as Python reticulatus (reticulated python). They can reach a length of more than 20 feet and kill their prey by constriction
  1. a dragon, killed by Apollo at Delphi
Python (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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